Whale Tales 30 tails telling 30 tales

The New Sydney Waterfront Company is a collaboration between business, government and community. Its mission? To revitalise and celebrate Sydney’s Western Harbour Precinct, through activations like Sydney Waterfront Whale Tales. Funded by the NSW Government, the project brings together a connected trail of 30 whale tail sculptures. Each of them uniquely painted by a local artist. Each featuring a story celebrating Sydney, the Precinct itself, and the whales who join us each year. Together, the tails perform a colourful migration across the Waterfront. The only thing missing was a brand that captured what Whale Tales was about and invited audiences to experience the event. So, how might we inspire visitors and locals alike to rediscover and reconnect with the waterfront?

Whale Tales
NSW Government

The Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children

Sydney Opera House
Talk to Interbrand
Nathan Birch
australia@interbrand.comJoin the team
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