Sydney Opera House Bringing the outside in

Creating a brand that could live up to an iconic building You probably wouldn’t expect the Sydney Opera House to have any problems attracting an audience. Yet when we started working with them back in 2014, we realised they were facing exactly that. So with a challenge to change perceptions and a vision of a sculptural form language, we set out to create a brand that could live up to the building. With its iconic sails and incredible performances, the Sydney Opera House has long been one of the world’s most loved buildings. It’s an Australian icon. But it had its problems. It was finding it hard to communicate with its audiences. There was no thread uniting its different experiences, departments and partners. And while more people were visiting than ever before, most simply snapped a selfie outside. They weren’t actually coming in. We needed to find the Sydney Opera House’s voice, and let people know that, although things look great from the Harbour, the real magic happens inside.

Whale Tales
NSW Government

The Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children

Sydney Opera House
Talk to Interbrand
Nathan Birch
australia@interbrand.comJoin the team
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