The Prince Akatoki Bringing the best of Japan to the rest of the world

The Prince Hotel Group are the experts in hospitality—it’s what they’ve been practicing in Japan for more than 50 years. So when they partnered with Staywell to bring their unique style of luxury hotels to the rest of the world, they needed a new concept for a brand that took the very best of Japan and fused it with local cultures across the globe. Introducing The Prince Akatoki. Aimed at high-end travellers looking to escape the chaotic pace of modern life. Incorporating a minimal aesthetic, the promotion of mindfulness, a spotlight on craftsmanship, and a meticulous attention to detail — we were inspired not only by Japan, but a Japanese way of life. And because The Prince Akatoki was created with fusion in mind, it doesn’t feel out of place in London, Paris or New York. Starting with a strategy that spoke to a unique brand proposition — to exemplify Japan’s unique sophistication and hospitality to the world — we were tasked with developing a name, visual identity, and design system that reflects our modern take on Japanese tradition.

Whale Tales
NSW Government

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Nathan Birch
australia@interbrand.comJoin the team
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