Reinvigorating MIPS

Making the MIPS brand more relatable With a mission to grow market share in a category sadly lacking in differentiation, MIPS needed to stand out and become more relatable. Hence the task for DDB Remedy was to build a new creative platform that positioned MIPS as a vibrant and dynamic organisation: one that champions members, supporting and protecting them at every stage of their medical journey. In collaboration with the MIPS marketing team, four MIPS members were selected as the faces of the campaign. Their stories were brought to life and amplified via social, print and digital channels. In conjunction with a brand video, events collateral, merchandise, and a full website redesign, the relaunch campaign has so far given MIPS a 5% uplift in member conversion.

Doctor's Rounds
The Australian Digital Health Agency

We're Always There

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John Bertolini
john.bertolini@syd.ddb.comJoin the team
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